4 Bulletproof Business Failsafe Ventures

In the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship, the mantra “nine out of ten businesses fail” has become a daunting reality for many aspiring entrepreneurs. However, the landscape is shifting, and not all businesses are created equal when it comes to their chances of survival. In this comprehensive guide, we will uncover the four business models that have the lowest failure rates, empowering you to embark on a entrepreneurial journey that is not only rewarding but also remarkably resilient.

The Changing Landscape of Business Failures

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the failure rate of small businesses is indeed staggering, with 20% failing within the first year and a staggering 50% by year five. However, this traditional definition of “failure” is becoming increasingly obsolete in today’s digital age. The cost of starting and maintaining a business online has plummeted, making it easier than ever for entrepreneurs to launch and sustain their ventures.

The key to success lies in identifying the business models that are inherently resistant to failure. By understanding the unique advantages and strategies of these low-risk ventures, you can position yourself for long-term success and financial freedom.

  1. The E-Commerce Revolution: Unparalleled Opportunities with Minimal Risk
    The first business model that stands out as having an exceptionally low failure rate is the online store. In today’s digital landscape, the barriers to entry for e-commerce have never been lower. With platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and even free options like Wix, anyone can launch an online store with a minimal investment.

Take, for example, the journey of my own e-commerce store, Bumblebee Linen. I started this venture with a mere $630 investment, utilizing a free open-source shopping cart and a budget-friendly web host. Today, the monthly cost to maintain this seven-figure business is around $1,000, assuming no employees and with my wife and I running it ourselves. This level of affordability and scalability is a testament to the power of e-commerce.

But it’s not just my story. Consider the success of my students:

  • Sally started her online store, Caterpillar Cross-Stitch, selling cross-stitch kits, and now generates over £1 million in annual revenue.
  • Angela launched her jewelry business, AERJ Jewelry, with even less capital than Sally and now earns over $1 million per year.
  • JK’s Farmhouse Decor business, which he started with just a few thousand dollars, now generates seven figures in annual revenue.
  • Amanda, who drop-ships dollhouse furniture, has built a six-figure online business.

The beauty of e-commerce lies in its flexibility and low overhead. With the rise of drop-shipping and print-on-demand services, entrepreneurs can start an online store without the need for upfront inventory investment. This significantly reduces the financial risk, making it an increasingly attractive option for aspiring business owners.

Blogging: The Passive Income Powerhouse

The second business model that boasts an almost zero percent failure rate is content creation, specifically blogging. In 2009, I started my blog, MyWiQuitterJob.com, which now generates over $1.6 million in annual revenue through a combination of affiliate marketing, product sales, advertising, and sponsorships.

The beauty of blogging lies in its simplicity and scalability. To get started, all you need is a cheap web host, like HostGator, and a free WordPress theme. My initial monthly hosting cost was a mere $4.95, making it virtually impossible for this business to fail. The more content you create, the more traffic you will attract, and the more revenue streams you can tap into.

Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar businesses, a blog’s expenses are negligible, and the potential for growth is exponential. While it may take time to see significant returns – I didn’t start making money until the two-year mark and didn’t hit the six-figure annual mark until year three – the long-term rewards can be truly life-changing.

The Rise of the YouTube Sensation

Complementing the power of blogging, the third business model with an incredibly low failure rate is the YouTube channel. Similar to a blog, starting a YouTube channel requires a minimal investment, provided you have a smartphone or access to a decent camera. The more videos you create and the more your audience grows, the more revenue you can generate through YouTube’s advertising program.

My own YouTube channel, which you’re currently watching, has become a multi-six-figure per year business, with monthly AdSense payouts ranging from $10,000 to $30,000. But the true power of a YouTube channel lies in its ability to drive traffic and build trust with your audience, which can then be leveraged to promote your other products and services.

For example, my friend Eric Bolz started a successful e-commerce store called Beard Brand, selling beard care products, and attributes over 50% of his sales to his YouTube channel. By creating engaging content and establishing a rapport with his viewers, he was able to turn his YouTube audience into loyal customers.

The Timeless Allure of Real Estate

The fourth and final business model with an exceptionally low failure rate is real estate and rental properties. As the legendary entrepreneur Andrew Carnegie once said, “90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.” Real estate has long been a proven path to wealth, and for good reason.

Real estate investments offer a unique combination of fixed monthly income, asset appreciation, and favorable tax benefits. When you rent out a property, you establish a consistent cash flow, with expenses that are usually predictable and fixed. Meanwhile, the value of the property tends to appreciate over time, and you can leverage tax deductions such as depreciation and amortization to offset your tax liability.

According to studies, real estate investments have an impressive 85.3% success rate, making it one of the safest business models to pursue. And the beauty of real estate lies in the ability to scale up by leveraging borrowed bank money to acquire larger properties, further amplifying your earning potential.

The Key Strategies for Success

While these four business models have inherent advantages that make them less prone to failure, success is not guaranteed. To ensure the longevity and profitability of your venture, it’s essential to adopt the right strategies and mindset.

For e-commerce, focus on building a strong brand, optimizing your product selection, and leveraging the power of drop-shipping or print-on-demand to minimize inventory risk. Continuously optimize your online store’s user experience, SEO, and marketing efforts to drive sustained growth.

In the realm of content creation, the key is to consistently produce high-quality, valuable content that resonates with your target audience. Identify profitable keywords, build an engaged email list, and explore multiple revenue streams, such as affiliate marketing, digital product sales, and sponsorships.

When it comes to YouTube, treat your channel as a long-term investment. Commit to a content creation schedule, leverage best practices for video optimization, and cultivate a loyal community of subscribers. Utilize your YouTube audience to cross-promote your other offerings, such as e-commerce stores or online courses.

In the world of real estate, the focus should be on building a diversified portfolio, leveraging financing strategies, and implementing efficient property management systems. Stay up-to-date with market trends, tax laws, and property management best practices to maximize your returns.


In an era where the traditional narrative of business failure is becoming increasingly obsolete, the four business models we’ve explored offer a refreshing and resilient path to entrepreneurial success. From the e-commerce revolution to the passive income powerhouse of blogging and YouTube, and the timeless allure of real estate, these ventures present a unique opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to build sustainable, low-risk businesses.

By understanding the key strategies and embracing the inherent advantages of these low-failure-rate models, you can embark on an entrepreneurial journey that is not only rewarding but also remarkably resilient in the face of an ever-changing economic landscape. Embrace the power of these proven business models, and unlock the secrets to starting a bulletproof business in 2024 and beyond.

